Thursday, November 30, 2006

November has been bled dry... Welcome december!

I have just 40 minutes - plus or minus to rush out this missal for the end of november.

A summary point of the year - it is clear to all (At least, I hope it is) that the year is finally coming to an end - shy of one month.
What our collective thoughts of that should be is anyone's guess.
All I know is that come 30 minutes it will be the 1st of december 2006.

A review of the month isn't worth the words via this electonic meduim - sometimes, I have the feeling that my words are there floating around in time and space with little function or aim...

Maybe history will vindicate me - maybe not.
What I'm sure about is that these words will never win a prize but they will hold a snapshot of what my mind and thought processes where - a certain eon ago...
10 years from now - i may read my blog entry for today and laugh at my lofty aspirations - or maybe I may shed a tear for the young man that once was...

Back to the present day...

Do you ever have that feeling that inspite of your monthly retainer (what your company or organisation refers to as a salary) - you always seem to have financial problems?
Welcome to the club of "never enough"!

I recently joined the swelling member ship and was inducted with apparent gusto - I have been wailing silently because before the end of the month all manner of demands will be made from different sources - you keep juggling responsibility until...

Anyway, I looked at my financial to do list and I was frightened by the implication.
Maybe it's one more lesson in how to be a man - or better still how to survive as a Nigerian.

I look forward to december (no special reasons). I hope that it washes away the losses and sadness that has characterized much of the year.

As that famous saying said: If it doesn't kill you, It makes you stronger!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Let the year end so that...

First major rejection by a lovely colleague - her name's Amarachi and she's causing me some great amount of pain...
Today was innocent's birthday and hence as has become the tradition in valucard nigeria plc - we get to eat lots of cake and drink some soft drink of a given variety - coca cola and its various siblings...

Then there's martha...
She's alot for anyone to handle - let alone poor innocent me.
I've been mandated to learn how settlement works... If it will not be the death of me - i love the challenge, the thrill of the scent...

As Sherlock holmes said: Watson, the game's afoot!

It appears that the ultimate sacrifice is demanded of me as I undertake night duties for the network unit...

I just got back on sunday from toby's wedding - it was the kind of journey that gives one a view of life... I lost my fone at the venue of the wedding in the church of all places.

Talk of cosmetic consequences - maybe just maybe I was on the bad side of fate...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

with much longing...

I am writing this entry in a bit of a mixed mood.
A part of me is somewhat pensive and another is somewhat melanconic.

Reason: this thing we call life.

I read somewhere that life is what you fail to notice when chasing something else...
It is the faceless hermit, the homeless tramp - it is all around you and yet - you fail to see it.

That said - I'm off to the east this friday for a wedding.
A former and rather successful (another reason for my feeling the way I feel) classmate of mine - infact two former classmates of mine are finally walking down that lonely road called marriage with each other as partners...
Good Luck!!!

It suddenly hits you that in a space of five years alot of the old boys and gals are finally settling down - getting hitched and pronouncing their vows of "I do..."

A question more along the path of digression:
Are there any folks out there who have openly said: "I don't?"

I wonder about me.
When will I walk down the pathway of respectability? Is there a right time?

It will be an oppurtunity to meet up with a lot of folks one hasn't seen for years...
It may be both the beginning and end for alot of us.

I'll leave my thoughts for another day...


Saturday, November 18, 2006

A lesson in what could have been...

It's 4:25 am on saturday morning, I am dozing in my seat - a brief attempt to close my eyes for a "nap" leaves me grasping at nothing... Sleep is really needed!

I was at the opening of the Nigerian Breweries sponsored AMBO2 event by the virtue of an invitation extended to me by Alvina.
It happened to be some kind of talent show for would be actors.

Frankly... I was there to watch out for a friend of mine - Temple.

He most definitely stood out - he was bigger than every other contestant and stood out like some kind of guardian, crazy hair style, affected baritone voice - okay it was too obvious, so?

Alas, it was not meant to be - he was not granted a chance...
Maybe it was for the right reasons (alright, I confess to being somewhat biased - so sue me!)
I wish that things had turned out differently for him...
But who knows? Miss the small opening and join the gala nite celebrations. never say never!

Anyway - out of 50,000 thousand entries the selection was finally narrowed down to 20 of which only ten would enter the AMBO2 house for 21 days and a winner should emerge after 21 days... those final ten (10) where chosen that nite.

I must frankly applaud the bravery and talent displayed by so many - those seen and unseen.
Fate is a lady that favours the bold but more importantly she likes the persistent - the bottom line is to never give up!

That said - I consider it a worthwhile honour to know Temple and I confess that he is a bundle of raw talent and he is destined to go places - it is only a matter of time.

Still I could not help but wonder... what if he got into the house?

Forced to come back to the office and spend the night - it would have been dangerous to go back to my place and I frankly didn't have it in me to do so anyway...

I had thought that the hot cup of lipton tea would help to keep my eyes wide open but...
It worked for some time and then I noticed that my eye lids kept up a losing battle to remain open - they fluttered shut on their own accord.

Would love to drop off - my eye balls feel like a weight is lying directly behind them... Sleep?


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

In new clothes but with the same attitude

Hello there folks...

I've just undertaken an exercise in re-engineering.
I've consolidated my two blogs in blogger ( together and have revamped the look and feel of my flagship blog - infact you'll be marvelled at how it looks as you'll most likely be reading this entry from the revamped pages - it is hoped that this will make some poor sod out there truly happy or maybe not.

That said i'm here at the desk trying to determine the best way to bring a report to life - I'm also battling the challenges of responsibility... if I sound busy don't worry - its a sham put in place to make me look important. Whether i have succeded is another matter!

The workplace as I'm beginning to understand is a den, a jungle of sorts - there are big bad wolves and there are harmless creatures but what gets me are the wolves in sheep clothing...

What the heck is wrong with everybody?
And please if you happen to work with a diminutive (meaning small) female - beware. Don't let her size deceive you. It is simply a ploy because they are the sweat mercahnts who go around demanding results and trying to pass the buck...

Do I come across sounding like a sexist? Yes - No! Make up your mind dammit!

Okay - I confess to being a little batty today...

Anway - I wanted to report in.
The funny thing about blogs - especially mine is that I often have the sensation of being granted a vast universe to occupy by myself...

When you look at the comments = 0
You really begin to wonder.

Later folks (okay - later phantom folks!)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ramblings in my mind - seeking resolution

It didn't happen immediately...

It took quite some time to happen and when it finally did the anti-climax was as ordinary as an everyday event. There was no earth shattering moment of clarity or thunderous applause - except of course in my head.

It was all seen with a detached perspective like a distorted image seen from a glass bottle.

I wondered out aloud - was it me?
Was I perhaps the reason for it all?
I was no closer to an answer and yet it teased me with the prospect of resolution.
Like a lady whom one wants, teasing and tantalizes with a mere promise - often never fulfilled.

Was it the prospect of mystery that got me hooked?
Was it the way she kept me at bay with her "I don't see or recognise you" looks?

I had promised myself to stay clear - my personal philosophy is to act like a mirror - reflect what is shown to me... But my mirror is cracked and I'm intrigued - like a bloodhound on the trail of a scent...

Maybe it's her eyes...
They wound me. They gaze at me silent, accusing me of a crime I know nothing about.

What feelings? Maybe its dislike - or outright hatred. I don't think its hatred.
I feel a pulse in my loins - is it sexual? Do leopards have spots?

Am I per chance crazy - Perhaps.
A little mad? Who knows...

She looms large like a shadow cast at night and dodges my every thought...
Will I ever be free?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Oh Murphy - look how famous you've become...

Was going through a post on Murphy - you have heard about murphy-right?
check out the following links:

Anyway - it has to do with the ability of things to go wrong...

here are some examples of a few "Murphy" Laws...

In any field of scientific endeavor,
anything that can go wrong, will.

2. If the possibility exists of several
things going wrong, the one that will go
wrong is the one that will do the most damage.

3. Everything will go wrong at one time.
3.1 That time is always when you least expect it.

4. If nothing can go wrong, something will.
5. Nothing is as easy as it looks.
6. Everything takes longer than you think.
7. Left to themselves, things always go from
bad to worse.
8. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
9. Given the most inappropriate time for something
to go wrong, that's when it will occur.

10. Mother Nature is a bitch.
10.1 The universe is not indifferent to intelligence,
it is actively hostile to it.

11. If everything seems to be going well, you have
obviously overlooked something.
12. If in any problem you find yourself doing an
immense amount of work, the answer can be
obtained by simple inspection.
13. Never make anything simple and efficient when
a way can be found to make it complex and wonderful.
14. If it doesn't fit, use a bigger hammer.
15. In an instrument or device characterized by a
number of plus-or-minus errors, the total error
will be the sum of all the errors adding in
the same direction.

16. In any given calculation, the fault will never
be placed if more than one person is involved.
16.1 In any given discovery, the credit will never be
properly placed if more than one person is involved.

17. All warranty and guarantee clauses become invalid
upon payment of the final invoice.
18. Murphy's Law: "If there are two or more ways to do
something, and one of those ways can result in a
catastrophe, then someone will do it."
I hope you managed some chuckles...


Testing the waters of story telling... What do u think?

maybe it was the way i spoke...

maybe it was the look in my eye that spoke of an obstinate passion.
Maybe it was just me.
Whatever it was - I was totally unprepared for the slap across my face.

It left me dazed for a 30 second interval - long enough for me to momentarily forget my name.

Ahh... My name's... Chinedu!
There - I remember!

She was still livid with anger and from the look on her face, contemplating slapping me again - her logic was probably that the first one hadn't done the trick.
I was quick to step out of harm's way especially when it came to an emotion unstable female.
Did I just say that?


The second slap landed on my left cheek and I forgot the rest of my personal details.
I was stunned senseless and black dots started dancing in front of my eyes...
She was worked up - really excited now and looked like she was close to giving me a third...

Like a buzz, I made for the safety of a partition - anything that would act like a barrier to keep her away from me...

Ahh - safety at last! A table.

I made for the table and stayed away from the reaches of her hands, while trying to marshal my scattered thoughts. Random images swirled around in my head, while I tried to sort out the best way to diffuse an already explosive situation.

Why did I have to do it to her?
Who was she?

I was pressed to the side of the office cabinet - in an apparent bid to keep myself safe.
She started to circle the table in an apparent bid to attack.
I had my back to the cabinet and the only way to escape was to go by her.


Did I fail to mention that she was bigger than I?
I'm no feather weight at 6 feet but she was both bigger and taller and seemed to get excited at inflicting violence.
The LORD is my shepherd - I shall not want...
He leadth me beside still waters - he RESTORETH my SOUL...
Even when i walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I fear no evil (Okay, maybe just a little..)
My guy - I dey shake like water leaf!

Was this the end?
She advanced slowly - her fists raised to deliver the final blow...

Tears... mine or hers? Sniffling...
I'm confused initially as my eyes are tightly shut and I'm bent like a shrunken old tree - trying to dodge the inevitable assualt of an axe...

Suddenly, I feel a dead weight upon me - hands clasped around me - the sound of my name reaches my ears in a sing song manner as I taste the salty nectars of her tears...
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
Can it be? Have I been saved from utter annihilation?

So... what do you think? Do I have anything to offer? Drop a comment.