Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ramblings in my mind - seeking resolution

It didn't happen immediately...

It took quite some time to happen and when it finally did the anti-climax was as ordinary as an everyday event. There was no earth shattering moment of clarity or thunderous applause - except of course in my head.

It was all seen with a detached perspective like a distorted image seen from a glass bottle.

I wondered out aloud - was it me?
Was I perhaps the reason for it all?
I was no closer to an answer and yet it teased me with the prospect of resolution.
Like a lady whom one wants, teasing and tantalizes with a mere promise - often never fulfilled.

Was it the prospect of mystery that got me hooked?
Was it the way she kept me at bay with her "I don't see or recognise you" looks?

I had promised myself to stay clear - my personal philosophy is to act like a mirror - reflect what is shown to me... But my mirror is cracked and I'm intrigued - like a bloodhound on the trail of a scent...

Maybe it's her eyes...
They wound me. They gaze at me silent, accusing me of a crime I know nothing about.

What feelings? Maybe its dislike - or outright hatred. I don't think its hatred.
I feel a pulse in my loins - is it sexual? Do leopards have spots?

Am I per chance crazy - Perhaps.
A little mad? Who knows...

She looms large like a shadow cast at night and dodges my every thought...
Will I ever be free?

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