Friday, May 28, 2004

Egos... Bucket loads of it!

Big, fat, juiced up egos rearing to go...
We all have them - they define us, like a rev meter - a reading of just how you rate u'rself in relation to the fellow that steps up to you...

Kingdoms are ruined and built on egos, riches are won and lost by egos, lovers meet and part because of egos, the list is endless - wise to say that u are your ego... its influence in and on your life is so massive but yet it hides quietly, well out of the way of prying eyes and wagging tongues...


I'm a guy in the supermarket,my boss from the office has just hassled me before closing time - made me feel lower than dirt...
Suddenly, some guy tries to muscle me out of my turn on the line...(sound familiar?)

This happens to us in so many small and not so small ways... Eventually u lose focus of the real issues - it always ends up being everybody's fault but your own... life's dealt you a bad hand, you say - I'll show them all...

Don't they realize that u'r the best? that u don't and won't stand for that sort of crap?

EGO - ExaGgerated Opinions (a private definition)
But that's only my personal opinion, what of yours?

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

can u imagine the grief and humiliation - i'd finished typing my post on the power of words, when i push the wrong button and presto - the damn thing's gone!

Thus, I have to remember my point on words:

There's this guy i know, his name kachi(abridged of course).
So kachi and i got talking and found out that we have a lot in common.
The topic that united us and finally came under disscussion: A book i had read that painted the power that words have as a seductive device:

Name of the book: The Act of Seduction
Author: Robert greene

who has incidentally written other books (48 annals of power).
I must commend him for the insight he provided - the book was very well thought out.
He did very extensive research that cross referenced with other books to confirm the logic of his thoughts, which i must say is very sound indeed.

Anyway, we(kachi and i) talked at length about situations that words can come into use and how to categorize people and modify your words and actions accordingly -
i like to call it the ability to act like a social cameloen.

The bottom line:
People are motivated by a need to interact with their environment, objects and other 'people' that's why we have five senses and an abundance of untapped resources...

Words are motivators of thought and action - they compel one to reason, even if you won't act on the words you must think about them...'the essence'

Words cause wars, peace, public anger, fear, action, events - words are what cause the human environment to evolve.

Powerful - don't ever waste a word again!

Friday, May 14, 2004

Some cranky saying just popped into my head yesterday...
Something about optimisim...

For those lucky ones who have it...(wow!)
The way I see it, optimisim is like a hard wired thought process:
the person literally thinks the sun shines out of his ass every morning, (not trying to be crass here...) even when it's raining cats, dogs and zebras...

There are four groups of people:
1. those that beleive that things will happen,
2. those that beleive that good things will happen,
3. those that beleive that bad things will happen
4. those that don't care what happens.

The real question is: what group would you place yourself in?

Thursday, May 13, 2004

It's me the sand man... No more jumping into that stuff,had me shaking out my clothes for weeks...

I recently had a minor case of worries(which happens to be a kind of past time).
You see in my world - things rarely go as planned and most plans don't even see the light of execution(and i mean that in a 'carry out' sense).

Anyway, the primary bother with life on my side of the fence is the feeling of helplessness. You appear to be a victim of circumstances and situations... Always emerging from one only to be swamped by another...

Imagine the scenario of a young man like me, a graduate who should be working his butt off, full of that youthful stuff some geek refers to exuberisim... A passion that drives you, makes u feel so alive - valuable...

Sad to say that currently that's not the case - I'm engaged to a privately owned software company that pays me an 'allowance' that barely covers transportation... take away the fact that I like the experience that i can gather from time to time when a job comes up... you have a case of apparent dissatisfaction.

The Question some of u may probably ask is: why remain there if conditions are not favorable? To anwser that, you'd have to be on my side of the fence so that you get a 'complete' picture - warts, broken frame and all...(a condensed version of hell)

Although, you probably get you fair share of adrenaline fixes but at what price?

Anyway, i have to drop my thoughts here - some other environment beckons, a place where water, coconuts and fish abound by the multitude...

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Me again...

Still have lots of sand in my mouth... No more hitting the sands.
Any way, the next set of situations in my mind concerns money...

By itself, not very much but then the power and prestige the damn thing confers on you... Suddenly doors are flying open everywhere, lots of 'instant' friends and best of all, the damn chicks hangin' off ya arm...

All that can disappear into the mist - once the money goes...
That's life for u...

Lots of cash - lots of stash
lack of cash - lots of dash...

We'll be back soon...