Sunday, April 19, 2009

I have a dream...

The Slogan for one of the banks is: Think imPOSSIBLE...

maybe that should be my personal motto - in fact I will be adopting this because it is truly the only way to break free of my current self accepted shackle...

I am the only one standing in the way of my own success - I am my own greatest barrier - I am my own limitation...

I  no longer allow the great gift of wonder and "thinking without barriers" to guide me through the various stages of my life...

No wonder the current state of affairs in my life - no wonder the reason for doubt...

I can still feel the pulse of my dream - it is still alive and questing for expression and when I have given birth to this dream - I will nurse it to full term and move on to having another dream...

That is the true purpose of my life - that is my defined destiny, that is my fate...

To go where my dreams boldly go