Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wow and then the anticlimax...

Imagine the gut and cheek...
I have been away from the great love of my life - the very essense of my passion...
Writing is like air to me. Take it away and i become a fish out of water...
How are you lovely folks at OUR Bloggers world international, where writing is just one part of the romance...

Work this week consisted of three outings (monday, wednesday and if you add friday - I'd actually call you intelligent...) Today(being the said friday - I was told that I would now be required everyday of the working week.)
There goes my holiday!

I have come across the Book: The art of war (which, believe it or not teaches you about how to win peacefully - if you can and avoid the blood letting all together)

I'm still trying to digest the gruel that its pages contain - a rather hard diet... Apparently the japanese, who have studied the book dilligently and are considered the first people to actually inculcate the teachings into their very way of life...

I made some calls to people/ alright - friends, who I had not spoken to in quite awhile - I feel more at peace with the world and would like to get my ass back in Lagos, pronto...

My sister has been calling me since today, something about the age of mythology "misbehaving" - I hope she works the bug out...

Will be with you soon - in this life or the next...

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