Sunday, September 25, 2005

So we rest - in preparation for what you ask...

I slept late last nite and woke up fairly early today (early being 7:00 am) and wondered at the apparent injustice in the world...
The weekend is almost one day gone and I cannot for a fact say that I achieved anything of worthy note today (saturday)...

I recently went to my favorite tech site: They had this article on the recent deployment of video over fiber - where the fibre is actually wired to the customers' premises... with the option of getting 180 + video and audio channels... (wow!) (Go check it out - read and be amazed!)

Where as in nigeria - that great, unweildly entity struggling to come to terms with itself... We are still talking about cable and the monopoly enjoyed by the few operators...

I just wanted to rush out a few words and to reach out to the many out there...

Later folks...

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