Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Merry month of December...

Dear reader...

Time for a reflection - sober or not...

December - the month where santa's wish list includes a trip to the moon and back - welcome to the month where christmas carols are sung from every nook and crany... I'm not a grinch, should that though have crossed your mind - I've simply lost the reason for the season... (Hoping to get it back someday!)

Trip looms ahead - hope it works out...
No word from NNPC; will simply assume that I didn't make the selection and move on my merry way - that's life and its bullshot...

On to better things... If I sound disjointed don't make a fuss - I'm simply trying to type in a rush and my thoughts don't seem to catch up... (nifty isn't it...)

I am outta here...
Ciao - baby!

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