Monday, October 25, 2004

hey... Another end of month: October!

Missed out on last week's dead line... I had my words lined up when suddenly - I had to go. How was the week end for most of you? I trust you got some good stuff out of it - I know I did.

Have been preoccupied lately so I'm no more as regular as I would like to be... I'll try to get back to some kind of schedule...
I'm doing some implementation stuff for my company at a morgage bank, here in abuja - it may sound glamorous but it's like spagetti - wet and listless...

We're gearing up for the next round of strikes that should render us immobile - methinks it will hit home more this time around...
I hope that I'm in the right palce at the right time when this occurs...

Anyway - will write soon so bear with me - my mind as usual is in a runt

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