Friday, December 28, 2007

A few days to the new year...

I sit here and ponder...
I wonder why - I'm so stuck on humanity. I feel pity, anger, lust, rage and other emotions that fall in between the gray areas - too varied to and non specific to define...

Anyway - we've survived Christmas and I feel really funny about it...

Not because I had any bad experience mind you... I just find that the initial expectations that used to overtake me have gradually been replaced by cynicism at life in general.

I still have hope but I am dulled by the pace and frenzy that seem to envelope us in our pursuit for financial relevance. As I have mentioned earlier in another of my posts: My new pursuit of this financial relevance means that I am now subject to the 9 - 5 mentality...

However no matter how much a man is paid there is still that dream that begs him to take charge and control of his destiny. I think that there's something in life that begs man to do the risky - maybe the adrenaline rush or the need to play invisible or maybe just for the thrill factor...

I have also been stuck in the contemplation of what's in store for my life come: 2008.
What do i have to offer, what offers can I get and which direction is my life destined to move in?

If only I had a clue...

I amuse myself with concepts - for instance relativity.
Relative to when I had no job, this current position is heaven but now relative to what is obtainable in the industry and my current assessment of myself is not very bright...

However this is life and I have the front seat and that's all that matters - it is my choice and my option to do as I see fit (bearing the consequences in mind)...

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