Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bithday's come and gone...

I'm somewhat glad that it has passed...
My birthday tends to freak me out - I've never really enjoyed it, except on very few occasions and with even fewer persons...

Yesterday (it was actually yesterday) - I was on edge (birthday's especially mine do that to me) and was planning to manage the day till it naturally came to an end...

But now it is gone and I'm rather glad - I had actually planned a quiet, sober day for myself - I planned to get through the day and go home...
But that didn't happen...
In fact - I was on edge from the moment I woke up till towards the end of the day:

Finally when most people left for home and I was the only one stuck in the office - I was able to re-orient myself...

I have to come to terms with growing older and bench-marking myself against where I ought to be...

I'm a slow starter but I get there eventually - maybe I should lie back and enjoy the view...


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