Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Is it truly worth it?

I learnt a rather sad tale today...

Someone I know recently lost his life and will be buried tomorrow.
A bright and fun guy - I envied the way he set out to enjoy and define his life...

I saw a bit of what I lacked in him - he was from a comfortable family (very comfortable) but he had a pretty good head on his shoulders. He could keep friends and within limits helped out where he could without fuss or favour.

I was afraid because - Another friend of mine had been travelled with him and I was afraid that I would hear that this friend of mine had been involved in the accident...
Apparently my friend was in another location.

I shudder to think of the loss of so bright a potential.
I still remember his smile and his willing ways and yet I say to myself - what if?

That's life and the lesson learnt...

It can be taken away in an instant...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bithday's come and gone...

I'm somewhat glad that it has passed...
My birthday tends to freak me out - I've never really enjoyed it, except on very few occasions and with even fewer persons...

Yesterday (it was actually yesterday) - I was on edge (birthday's especially mine do that to me) and was planning to manage the day till it naturally came to an end...

But now it is gone and I'm rather glad - I had actually planned a quiet, sober day for myself - I planned to get through the day and go home...
But that didn't happen...
In fact - I was on edge from the moment I woke up till towards the end of the day:

Finally when most people left for home and I was the only one stuck in the office - I was able to re-orient myself...

I have to come to terms with growing older and bench-marking myself against where I ought to be...

I'm a slow starter but I get there eventually - maybe I should lie back and enjoy the view...


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My birthday's a-coming...

Come the 16th of July - I will have ascended the chart of age by marking my biological scale of decline... balding head, stooping frame, protruding belly and the addition of love handles.

On the other hand there are advantages such as: experience and wisdom, learning.

e-Payment systems and Ecommerce initiative in Nigeria.

The electronic age is here and even in a "third world" country - (Please excuse the label) like Nigeria, there is hope on the horizon.

E-commerce and its attendant technologies have taken off and are flying off in cautious but defined directions within the Nigerian economic space.

Valucard and Interswitch are considered the primary drivers for this recent revolution.
Most banks and other institutions are waking up to the reality of the web as a front facing customer tool - that is estimated to save millions in company expenditure and to improve the response times of companies world wide.

It is becoming an indispensable tool and a means to improve customer acquisition, retention and service delivery processes within any business entity.

The saying is: the customer is only a click away.

There are so many products and platforms that it is becoming a crowded space but there's room for so much more.

Banks are rolling out ATMs and issuing debit and in some limited cases credit cards and this will improve the spending pattern and allow the development of business ideas that make ordering goods and services - easy and cost effective.