Thursday, April 05, 2007

Leg Fetish...

Why do I have a fetish?
Is it normal?

Who's to know what's normal and what's not.

Why am I revisiting this?
Maybe it's because I am so tired of hiding something that's as much a part of my overall personality.
Maybe i just want to go public with this...
Maybe I just don't care.

For what ever reasons - i need to come clean because this is what and who I am.

But before you wonder too far about my lack of clarification: it's this: female legs - that's what my fetish is about.

That doesn't mean that i drool over any type of female legs - nope!
The legs must look a particular way must conform to a personal "standard".

I like a well shaped calf - and small to medium feet with well defined toes.
If you truly want to blow my mind into orbit and leave it there - let the legs be encased with stockings...

I still have other fascinating parts of the female form that get to me but this leg fetish has been with me since childhood...

what can I say - somethings just grow with you...

Later folks...

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