Friday, February 24, 2006

strain... using all the muscles but the one that matters.

Do you work harder or smarter? A really simple question but a question that nonetheless requires some explanation.

In the old days - you worked your way up the corporate ladder, being a jolly "good" fellow - doing what you were bidded to do until the moment became right for your next "promotion".

There was naked ambition which was normally displayed (depending on the desperation or cunning of the party involved) in any manner of ways: native devices (black african magic or voodoo), sabotage, eye or lip service etc...

But in today's fast paced society - the rules have gone to hell. it's now every man or woamn for "their" selves... Unholy hours in the work place, sacrifices that go above and beyond the call of duty, etc...

Are we alive to work ourselves to death for the sole benefit of the "Corporation" or to develop ourselves or is there some reasoning or logic that I'm missing?

If you happen to have an answer - any answer pls feel free to share it - I would be so very glad to learn something apart from my own point of view...


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