Monday, July 26, 2004

questions about mortality...

Just when you think you've finally nailed that sucka... hello folks! Yes, I know that the condemnation tends to follow, so I'll simply ask for your forgiveness and hope it lasts...

I got in today and dashed madly for the cafe... if I didn't meet up with my schedule - I'd piss blood...


I've recently entered that runt where most people end up at one time or another, within the scope of a life time...

>>> Does God exist?

Before we go any further, I have to confess that I tended to accept the entire bible and koran, literally as like so many of us do.
As I got older, I started questioning the entire lot - the basic premise of my quest was based on the fact that i had reached that point in my life when things didn't add up totally and the dogma that's often found in most religions of today was being shoved rather roughly down my throat!

There a limit to what you can blindly accept, especially the question regarding man's origin.
At this point - the only conclusion that I can accept and validly hold on to is the fact that there must be a being that's higher up the chain (so to speak)

This argument is based around some statements in science (darwin's theory of evolution) and the relationship he defined between man and apes...

Doesn't this make you think that there at least should exist a more advanced being - mentally, socially, etc...

But then again this is only my humble opinion...

I'm back - that's the main thing... Till later! (so I missed all of you...)

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

In time to beat the end of week dead line - Happiness - Experience the power!


yesterday, I was a part of some one's birthday celebration - Do you know the sense of satisfaction you derive when you grant someone a wish?

It was a very powerful feeling! I wonder why we don't do this very often - me thinks that humanity really wants a caring disposition from its fellow denziens...

Happiness, especially on someone's behalf is a very heady feeling you shouldn't throw away... I will only encourage the bulk of you to experience the power!

I'll be going off on a trip - so I will not be available to populate the pages of this blog, but have no fear - I will be back...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Another week - almost concluded! I don't know how I survived this week but I'm truly thankful!

Let's check the high points for the week shall we:

1. Interview for new job...
2. Have verified that my travelling next week will be possible...
3. Birthday's coming closer and closer...

I've taken a break from the office to get this out, so forgive me if I lose coherence once in awhile...

If low points exist (which they always do) then it's:
1. No money... that's the major limitation

I hope to ride out the week in a blaze of glory or laugh trying....

later friends...

Saturday, July 03, 2004

July - the month that marks the beginning of the end of the year... (it's half way mark already) So sad, too bad...


My birthday's online - 16th of July... Unfortunately - it's the same day that my grandmother passed away, ten years ago...

I'm at the junction in my life, when sober reflections are called for. Unfortunately, I've been having sober reflections for as long as you can say: CHEER UP! (Maybe even longer!)

I'll be twenty-six and suddenly i'm wondering where all that time went? I can't say that I've acheived much and I don't know at which point my life's supposed to take off...

I have a phobia that life will move on without me - leaving me an old disappointed man... (Sure brings shudders...)

I'm at that point in my life when i should actually be listening to some of the advice I've been giving out for free...

The way i see it: Advice is like a bitter pill; You like to dish it out to others but hate to recieve your quota even when due...
A very one sided affair - I think it represents the "Like the sound of my voice" complex that most of us have...

Now to other matters...

Financially, i'm a mess - the word broke doesn't even come close.
Words like Financial Independence, Income bracket, Credit Rating all come out sounding negative, when used around my person...
I admit that this is a VERY TEMPORARY STATE that i'm working hard to correct...

Till I can come to terms with this...
Cheers, tables, Fans etc...