Sunday, July 24, 2011

Contemplations - ME, MINE

This is my birth month and perhaps I didn't get all my wishes granted but it has bought me some time to contemplate on what i want for myself...

I could possibly list all the positives that read like a Christmas list:
Fortune (money by another name - notice the repetition)
A good Husband/wife (sub qualities included - beauty, charm, humour, creativity, passion etc)
Connections (social, emotional and economic - notice the subtle reference again...)

In the end - it is really all about the good life and what I want for myself - who doesn't?

These are the broad requirements and if you really look at the list above - it probably reads like every other human's list on the face of the earth (with a few variations here and there of course)

The point is that we most of the time want the same things - however the specifics and the REAL requirements are rarely filled out...

So even though we think (operative word is think) we know what we want - we rarely have a clue of what WILL really make us happy or fulfilled...

To find the true purpose or meaning behind our lives - rendering service, giving hope, providing support, helping without the expectation of reward...

I've always been in the quest of finding a bigger meaning behind my life and what I can give back - what can I do that will outlive my life on earth as a legacy (not wealth and not momentary fame but a true long lasting legacy...)

I'll leave this idea to stew for awhile

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