Wednesday, September 27, 2006

All in a day's job...

Work is just work...
It isn't done because you're so in love with your job description or that you find it exciting or challenging. It just pays the bills and that is the gospel truth!

In my country (for those of you who don't know - I'm referring to Nigeria: termed as the land flowing with milk and honey. In truth, this country of mine that I love to hate - is flowing alright but it's more along the lines of vinegar and blood)

Fortunately, I'm here on a lighter note - so there are to be only objective discussions and bare faced truths - nothing more!

That said: It's raining! In this part of the world - the rainy season is about to end. But before it ends, there's usually a last valiant effort to enforce some kind of authority.

I'm at my desk trying to send this missal: a tall thanks to mr pat (happens to be a name sake) who apparently finds my entries a "nice" read. Me - what do I know?

I'm in training and so far the pace has been somewhat cool paced!

Regardless - I hope I find this environment stimulating and exciting.

Later folks...

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