Friday, February 18, 2005

Back in grace... Thank God for little favours...

Hey as I live eat and fart... No pun intended!
How are you all? A question that assumes that I meet you all in God's grace and favour...
Now to the diasection for the day...

A while back - I pondered on the deeper lessons that life throws at us - we are actually a lot smarter than we look but we're so busy re-inventing the wheel that we don't and can't move on - until someone challenges the impossible by making it possible...
To do this we challenge conventions and standards - we pave the way for new frontiers and open the path way of the unexplored...


"You come to me without why... without power."
That quote got me thinking about alot of things - the nuggets of wisdom that we find expressed in our everyday life is mind numbing - we simply chose to ignore it...

It expresses the power of "Why" and why it is so important... WHY provides reason, justification, motivation, power...
Therefore without why you are powerless - incapacitated, unable to act...

On to more personal matters:
I'm back at work doing what I love to do best. I'm on my feet once more and loving the feel of financial independence that money conveys... The two weeks I spent sitting at home doing nothing apart from reading and making half hearted efforts to dig myself out of the lull... I went for a bank test that had more than two thousand applicants - they selected only a hundred and thirteen for the next stage(113) and then maybe settled for ten or so from that number...

First lesson - the banking industry is still competitive...
Second lesson - left to me, I would prefer to work in the telecommunications, IT, Software development, Oil and Gas but then if wishes were horses - I would ride not walk!
Third lesson - except, you know someone really higher up the economic and social ladder who is prepared to stand as godfather or lady LUCK has a great deal of affection for you - you rarely get what you worked for inspite of the effort you put in...

I haven't heard a word or comment from any of my readers so I assume that I have none - i do this for theraputic reasons - doctor's orders!

Will see you soon or when time presents itself...

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