Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time curreny & investment

its a new decade...

we're here. Now and irrevocably in the present.
the past is done with - we are all advised to learn the lessons taught, extract the nuggets of wisdom from our mistakes and move on. There is no reclaimed moment. There is only here and now.

This very moment.

I got a very enlightening email with regards to the greatest investment for most human beings everyday: 86,400. unbelievably this amount was a constant for us all, except we were already dead.

We are allowed to spend it any way we say fit and invest it in endeavours that would reap multiple gains now or in the immediate future. For as long as we live, this investment in nearly constant except you expire before (note the use of the word) before the day ends.

This investment is the time available to us in one day!
That is available to any human who is alive and who will NOT perish before the end of that day.

the investment amount is time and it equates to: 24 * 60 * 60

We are allowed to spend it anyway we can but we cannot retrieve any of this once spend and once the day ends any under-utilized or used portion is taken away.

there are no do overs with this investment vehicle.

the bottom line is to make the best of this in all and anyway that we can.
No day must be spent without some form of self improvement to self and others around you. No time must be wasted without learning more about your innate talents and you.

there is no refund and there is no rewind.
make the best use of today as you possibly can.