To promote the written word - to breathe life into it and watch it become something else. A man once said: the moment your creation leaves the confines of your mind and becomes alive - it ceases to belong to you.
Maybe that's the history behind words - for as long as I can remember, I have loved them and marveled at how they have come to shape our thoughts, our views and our actions.
They are by and large passive creatures - sitting in the cool shade of our minds, shaping themselves by the events and happenings - gaining momentum and weight until they emerge to take form and substance.
They are motivators and actuators - moving us inevitably in the direction that begets action.
They are like that unattainable mistress - they tease you with their silver tipped promises of greatness and wealth - they seduce you with guise and visions of grandeur all for that elusive moment of brief enlightenment - when you feel you are the peers of the gods...
They can create desire and ambition - they shape and commit men to paths of greatness of doom. They can maim and wound deeply - causing scars that are difficult to heal...
Words are the life force of ideas and the means of destruction - their purpose as messengers cannot be forgotten or down played.